What Employers Look For in Candidates

Temp Agency Vancouver

In order to determine whether or not a candidate is qualified for a specific position within a company, employers will look for certain qualities that will ultimately tell them if that candidate is suitable for the job. While each employer may have certain decisive factors specifically related to them, there are general aspects that every employer will look for, such as:
Employers need accurate information regarding every aspect of their business and honesty in an employee will go a long way. If you make a mistake, always admit to it instead of covering it up as this will help you learn from that experience so that it does not happen again. Honest employees are appreciated and employers will look for candidates who have this quality.
Communication skills
The employee must be able to communicate verbally, through email and on the phone with both the employer and co-workers and must possess listening skills and the ability to follow directions.
Work ethic
Being punctual, doing what you’re hired to do and the ability to meet targets and deadlines while working hard is all expected and aspects every employer wants. These are considered basic requirements by many employers and simple things like being at work on time will be expected by every employer, so make sure you have the right work ethic before applying for a job.
Technical competency
Certain job postings will have specific requirements, so check to see the types of tasks that will have to be completed to ensure you have the proper skills. Employers will look for specific skill sets as well as the candidate’s ability and willingness to improve, so be mindful of this aspect before applying for a position.
Ability to work well with others
Employers want to hire candidates that can work as a team, so if this is something you struggle with it may work against you. You must be able to get along with your colleagues while working together effectively under different circumstances.
Problem-solving skills
Motivation and determination are very important because employers want to hire candidates that can handle challenges and solve problems with minimal direction. Employers will not want to point out every little thing that needs to be done and wants candidates who will take charge and solve problems successfully.
Employers want to hire those they can trust and want employees who have the company’s best interests at heart. Representing the company in public and maintaining a certain reputation is incredibly important, so candidates who cannot work professionally will not be considered as loyalty is a must.

Here at Trades Labour Corporation, we make sure to find qualified employees who are suitable for any specific job. If you’re looking for staffing agencies, employment or recruiters in Canada or the Northwestern United States, we can help. We are very proud of our success rate as an employment agency, so contact us for more information today!