Virtual Interviewing: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Virtual Interviewing

The COVID-19 pandemic caused a lot of changes in every industry, and companies had to turn to virtual interviewing to hire employees. Video conferencing is the new norm because it allows employers to connect with potential employees while stopping the spread of the virus. This technology allows companies to hire the right candidate, and while there are a number of benefits to this form of communication, there are also a few downsides, and the following guide will provide you with a better understanding of the good, the bad and the ugly.

The Good

Virtual interviews allow employers to get the job done because it’s a great substitute for the traditional hiring process. It doesn’t take much in terms of preparation, and all you have to do is ensure you have a clean space and a distraction-free background so that the session is professional. These types of software are pretty reliable, so you shouldn’t run into technical difficulties, but it’s always best to do a trial run beforehand. Minor preparation is all it takes to complete your interviewing process virtually.

The Bad

Body language says a lot about a person, and this is often hard to see through a screen. Interviewers look at everything, and they will get a sense of your personality through the way you speak and answer questions and through your body language. It can be hard to detect these signs through a screen because of the way the candidate is sitting. They may forget to sit up tall, they may sit too close to the screen and may not know where to place their hands because they are not used to this process, so it can be harder to get a sense of their personality. 

The Ugly

One of the biggest mistakes candidates make is to leave the program when they have finished their interview. This would allow the interviewer to hear your private conversations, and this can be very problematic, especially if the conversation is about the company, the interviewer and negative comments. Not everyone is used to this technology or a virtual process, so many people do not know that they have to close out the program by turning off both the audio and video settings. Another problem is distractions because it can be hard to set boundaries at home if you have children and pets, and they can make an appearance during your interview. Some interviewers are understanding of this, but others may not be too pleased, so this can be challenging.

Trades Labour Corporation can help you find temp jobs during this uncertain time. Our agency will provide you with all the information you need, so if you are looking for temporary labour or a staffing agency, we can help. We are one of the top recruitment agencies and serve the Vancouver, Winnipeg, Alberta, Calgary, Edmonton, Surrey, Toronto, Victoria, Manitoba, Seattle, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan areas. If you’re looking for labour jobs and want to work with the best temp agency, give us a call today!