Things to Know about Temporary to Permanent Hires

Temporary to Permanent Hires

If you need to hire more employees, there are a number of things you need to consider so that you make the right decisions that would best suit your company. If you are thinking of hiring temporary workers, you need to determine whether or not this option makes sense for your business specifically and must consider legalities and contracts, which can feel overwhelming.

There is another option you can consider if you want a different staffing solution, and temporary-to-permanent hires may be the best choice for you. This might be the right solution for your business, and here are the reasons why:

  1. This option will provide your company with a number of benefits. Temporary to permanent hiring means that your business will get all of the benefits that come with temporary workers, so it is a great choice for companies who are not certain that they will need people to stay on permanently. This means you can create a temporary role for the time being, and if need be, you can transition it easily to a permanent position. This would allow you to test out new products and services with peace of mind because if the program succeeds, you can transition your workers, and if the program fails, you can end the employment arrangements that you had in place. This would apply to new projects as well, and if you happen to need more help, you can transition a temporary hire to a permanent one to help you manage and increase in demand.
  2. This option will allow you to hire workers who are performing well. One of the biggest advantages of this option is that you will get to test out employees before offering them a permanent position and will get to see their performance and capabilities. It’s an excellent way of witnessing their work ethic, and in most cases, you will have the right temps and won’t have to let your best ones go. If you are happy, you can move forward and hire them permanently, but if you are not satisfied, you can keep the position as a temporary role. You can bring on a temporary team to test out a few projects, and if you experience high demand in any of your products or services, you can create permanent positions to keep up with the demand and to satisfy your customers. Your temporary team can transition into a permanent one, and they will already be trained, so the process will be fast, smooth and easy.

If you want to work with a reputable and reliable employment agency, Trades Labour Corporation can help. We are one of the top recruiting agencies and are familiar with all of the jobs that are hiring in Auburn, Tacoma, Seattle, Vancouver, Surrey, Alberta, Saskatoon and Winnipeg, so if you are in any of these areas, contact us today!