Important COVID-19 Update

The impact of COVID-19 is still being felt by individuals and businesses across the globe. In these extraordinary times, it is heartening to witness the ways we’re coming together as a local and global community to flatten the curve of the virus and protect those at the most risk among us. Let’s all continue to do our part.

With that said, we wanted to provide you with some updates on TLCs latest response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Safety remains our top priority, and we are taking the situation extremely seriously by updating proactive measures to safeguard our employees, their families, you – our valued partners, and our communities.

We continue to modify branch hours, access, limit traffic and so much more. We evaluate the safety of each placement of our workers in all jobs while updating daily our policies based on the latest information available from health and government authorities. Trust that TLC is taking the best courses of action daily that we can to help protect our community, partners, and staff – you have our commitment to maintaining that standard.

We thank you for your patience and understanding, and we look forward to ramping up operations when its safe to do so to meet your needs – lets all hope that is sooner than later. Should you require more information on our response and policies on COVID 19, please contact your local TLC branch for details.

TLC is Staying Connected

TLC’s staff continue to be available for our clients and partners. Despite limiting traffic in our locations, we are still accessible by phone. For less urgent responses, we encourage you to reach your local branch via email.
We wish everyone good health at this time.