How To Test Your Candidates Critical Thinking Abilities

When you’re hiring employees, you want them to be able to use their experience in order to help you solve your business issues. This means you need to be looking for candidates that are able to engage high-level reasoning skills in order to get ahead of the competition. You will need to fill your team with individuals who will bring their skills to your company. So what is a good way to test for this within your job candidates? There are a few ways you can gather helpful information about their skill sets. Here is how:

Ask Them About Their Past Experiences

Experts say that past behaviour is a good predictor of future behaviour. So, this means you will need to find candidates who have shown great critical thinking skills in the past. Unfortunately, it’s not easy to get an honest look at someone’s background just by asking them. The key here is to ask them for details and run through a past scenario. This gives you a look at their thinking process and is an indication of what to expect if they work for you.

Ask Them Hypotheticals

Sometimes hearing about past experiences isn’t enough. More than just a general look at their critical thinking skills, you might need to get more specific. You probably want to know how someone can use their experience to solve your business’ particular problems. If this is the case, then you can tailor your questions to specific scenarios and ask hypothetical questions that focus on problems you face every day. This shows you if a candidate can think on their feet if they are put on the spot.

Use Formal Testing

Presenting your candidates with a formal critical thinking test, which can help give you a great framework to judge them by. But keep in mind that their score on your test shouldn’t be the only measurement you use to judge a candidate’s ability. Although, it can give you some great data to further your consideration.

By implementing a scored test, it can be easier for you to compare and contrast applicants. You can put a numerical measure next to them to provide you with an objective evaluation. Plus, it will give you a way that encourages comparison since the test will be the same for everyone.

You want the employees in your organization to be excellent critical thinkers. In order to help you find these top performers, it will help to take some expert advice from us in order to locate the perfect applicants for your job openings.

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