How To Prepare Yourself For New Opportunities In Future

Recruitment Agencies Surrey

When opportunities come knocking, will you be ready?

The traditional career trajectory of working up the ladder in one company or even one industry is no longer the norm. People are continually redefining their career paths, and external factors are also forcing jobs to change. Just think, some of the jobs that are in high demand today did not even exist ten years ago.

So, whether you are on the hunt for a job, hoping for a career change, or thinking ahead, here are some ways you can prepare yourself for future opportunities, whatever they may be.

Staying informed about the field you’re interested in will help you map out a career trajectory and fully understand whether this career path is right for you. What are the trends? Where are the opportunities now or in five years? What’s the projected growth?

Stay On Top Of Developments

Being in the loop of the latest developments will let you know if you have any missing skills or knowledge that would benefit you in the long-run. It’s the first step in your preparation for the future.

Hone Soft Skills

As technologies such as AI, robotics, and big data, become more advanced, the human side of leadership becomes increasingly crucial in the workplace. While a robot may take over manual or routine tasks, soft skills like collaboration, critical thinking and innovation are “future-proof.”


You might hate it, but you can’t avoid it. Building a relationship with those who work in your industry is crucial and can often be how you land a job. Networking doesn’t have to be boring either. Consider joining industry groups, conferences or industry events. You’ll already have something common with everyone around you, that is, you’re all interested in the same line of work.

Once you’ve narrowed down someone who is working your job or company of interest, don’t be afraid to contact them for an informal interview. Ask them how they got to where they are now, what they like most and least about their job, where they see the industry going, etc. You’ll be surprised by how willing people are to help you out!

Gain Real-world Experience

If you have the time or resources to do so, getting some hands-on experience in your desired career area can significantly benefit you. Consider internships, volunteering, freelancing or even part-time work. Anything that can give you a foot in the door in that industry will help you create new relationships with people in the field, potentially leading to references or even a recommendation. The experience will also give you a better understanding if you’re really interested in this career field.

Are you searching for employment opportunities? Visit Trades Labour Corporation today! We have placed thousands of workers in Canada in full-time positions with some of the country’s top Trades Employers. Whether you’re located in Auburn, Tacoma, Seattle, Vancouver, Surrey, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Winnipeg, TLC is your temp agency of choice. Say hello to your next career opportunity with Trades Labour Corporation!