Here Is Why Your Job Search Isn’t Working

Job searching is almost like having a full-time job in and of itself! It can be especially difficult if you are juggling taking care of a family, or if you still have a full-time job to keep up with while on the hunt.

Searching for a job can be tough and may feel like you are hitting a wall at times, especially if you are not hearing back from any potential employers. Not to mention the job market is a constantly changing landscape that can be hard to navigate for those who haven’t been in it for a while.

With all that being said, the worst thing you can do is give up.

There are many common mistakes people make when they are searching for a job, but the good news is they are all easy to fix. Read on to find out how and increase your chances at finding your next dream job.

There Is Something Wrong With Your Resume Or Cover Letter

Your resume is the first thing employers will see when they review your application, so you want to make sure that it makes a good impression. Not using the proper keywords and phrases that match the job you are looking for is a common mistake. Most resumes are scanned using software that looks for specific keywords, so be sure to do your research to find out what best fits the career you are seeking. A good place to look is in the job listing itself.

You Are Only Using One Source To Find A Job

If you are only conducting your job search via job boards like Indeed or LinkedIn, it is simply not enough. While it can be a good place to start, job boards are saturated with many other applicants, so being visible to your employer is hard.

Another option is recruiting an employment agency to help connect you with employers and basically conduct the hard legwork for you. Try signing up to do some temporary or contract jobs through TLC and see what opportunities arise from showcasing your skills and work ethic with their great partners.

You’re Not Networking

Networking regularly is one of the most useful things you can do for your career. You shouldn’t just network when you need a job, as that can make it look less genuine. We know you’ve heard

the saying, “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know,” and it is true to an extent. Creating connections with professionals in your industry can help you greatly when you are looking for a job.

Not Selling Yourself

Many people don’t know how to sell themselves, or struggle when coming up with an elevator pitch. Being good at something and learning how to showcase it to others are two different things. Being clear about your achievements and problem-solving skills is important when you are speaking with a hiring manager. They want to see how you can benefit them, not the other way around.

If you want to find your next job and fast, you should take a step back and evaluate your efforts. Are you making these common mistakes? If so, take the time to correct yourself so you can put your best foot forward in your future job search efforts. Contact us today if you want to know more about jobs hiring in the Auburn, Seattle, Surrey, Vancouver, Alberta, Saskatoon and Winnipeg areas.