Don’t Let Job Rejection Get You Down: Here’s How To Recover

Searching for a job has become more accessible with multiple apps and websites that just require a quick click and resume upload. That may give the illusion that you’ll hear a “yes” from many more employers, but is not always the case. Sometimes you don’t land the job, even after polishing your resume and proving you’re qualified and incisive in the interview. That can leave individuals feeling hopeless, frustrated and angry; but by changing your mindset, rejection can be seen as one step closer to your dream job.

Don’t let rejection rear its ugly head and destroy your confidence, here’s how to handle it like a professional and get back on track:

Be Aware of the Negative Thinking and Combat It

Our minds naturally harp on the negative events that occurred instead of the positive. By becoming aware of your negative and inaccurate thinking, you can challenge it by responding in a more practical, effective approach. Just because you were not selected for the position does not mean you failed. For example, the company may have decided to hire internally or maybe they discounted their job search and didn’t hire anyone at all. Overgeneralizing what occurred won’t do you any favours, so just continue to improve yourself and prepare for the next call for an interview.

Get Accustomed To the Word “No”

You may have applied to several jobs that you felt could not reject you. You possess all of the desired skills, training, education and work ethic. How could they say no? According to research found by career coach, Orville Peterson, the average job searching individual faces rejection by 24 employers before they finally get a “yes.” The job search is no easy task, and being overconfident or expecting to get hired solely based on your resume will do you no favours. Remain resilient and keep applying online, making phone calls and handing physical copies of your resume out everywhere.

Reflect On Your Interviews And Find What To Improve On

The downfall of many is adopting one interview style and using it every time, even if it is not effective. After each interview, ensure you’re reflecting on all aspects of it from went well to what did not and the reasoning for both. Ask yourself what kind of message you’re conveying to the employer both nonverbally and verbally. If you’re able to determine what’s failing you, you can correct them for your next interview opportunity. Practice your approach, answers to potential questions and your confidence earnestly and frequently. Do active research on the company’s values, history and additional facts to prove to the employer just how insightful you are.

You do not have to go through this arduous job searching process alone. Trades Labour Corporation is one of the best recruitment agencies in Canada to assist you in this journey. Let TLC help you find employment for either temp jobs or positions that can turn into long lasting positions at a successful company. Submit your application on our website today, or visit one of our convenient branch offices to allow TLC to get started on your employment search!