Closing Questions That Will Help You Understand A Company’s Management Style

When you go to a job interview, you probably want to become more familiar with the details of the job opening, but you should also be concerned about the corporate culture as well as the company’s management style. Keep in mind that you are not at the interview to only sell your abilities as a potential employee. You also want to make sure that the company will be the right match for you. So, you should be asking your interviewer questions about their management style.

It’s quite important that you match your personality with the right management style, as this will definitely have an impact on your career trajectory. Studies show that there is a huge connection between management approaches and retention. Choose the wrong company and you might need to look for a new job sooner than expected.

Here are some closing questions to ask, which will help you get to know a company’s management style:

How Would You Describe Your Management Style?

Sometimes being direct is the best option. This is a straightforward way to start discussing management styles. You can also ask them about their preferred type of communication style since the actions that management takes come from how things will be communicated. These help give you a glimpse into the management philosophy.

What Are Your Reporting And Oversight Processes?

Speaking about management style in general talk can usually lead to a discussion in buzz words. But it rarely tells you what daily life under them might feel like. This question allows you to hear about their actual routine. Try to get a lot of details.

How Would You Describe Your Greatest Employees?

Speaking about relationships is helpful. Managing is a process that involves two groups: management and employees. Try to look at situations from either perspective. This question will show you how a manager thinks. You will see what a potential boss values in their employees and that information will give you a stronger idea about their management priorities.

Are There Any Business Blogs Or Podcasts That You Would Recommend?

This one is a bit out of the ordinary and will most likely only come up if the conversation drifts in this direction, however, asking a question like this can give you a lot of information. This gives you a look into how ideas influence your interviewers. You can see what type of media appeals to them and learn what underlying philosophies drive them.

What Would You Consider The Keys To Success?

The purpose of a manager is to drive their team to success, so how they conduct business will depend on how they would describe success. If it has to do with a high output, you will have a hard-driving boss. If it is fostering a great work-life balance, then they have a more sensitive management style. Getting a look into how your potential boss understands their goals will help give you a clue in how they manage their teams.

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