Can You Reach Out To Recruiters On LinkedIn?

LinkedIn is a premier business networking site that allows professionals to stay in touch with their old coworkers and supervisors. This platform also allows professionals to actively expand their network, so you can use LinkedIn to reach out to recruiters.

Hiring managers are always on the lookout for talented candidates, and if such a talent were to find them first, their job would be easier, so they would benefit from this type of proactive approach. They will appreciate you taking the time to reach out to them and will want to hear from you as long as you contact them in the right way. This means you should never be shy or discouraged to reach out to a recruiter on LinkedIn because this process can connect the right candidate to the right position.

What’s important is that you take the right approach, so before you blast out connection requests, make sure you create a plan. If you’re thinking about reaching out to recruiters on LinkedIn, the following tips will help:

Establish a Connection

Finding the right hiring managers to contact must be your first step because there’s more to making a connection than just finding open positions. The reality is that you don’t need to target a specific job to seek out a hiring manager because you’re welcome to reach out to recruiters through this platform any time, even if they’re not looking for resumes at the moment.

Leave Your Mark

When you contact recruiters, you are setting the stage for all future communication, so you will have the upper hand whenever a suitable role opens up. This is especially great when talking to a hiring manager who isn’t aggressively hiring because you will gain a long-term edge and because they are not being bombarded with other requests, they will likely have more time to respond, and this will establish a long-term connection.

Understand Your Audience

Know your industry and the major players who are part of it so that you seek out companies you like. Look for hiring managers who seem well-suited because they will be more likely to respond to your approach. Knowing your audience is a must because this type of information is very valuable, so you will be able to proceed more efficiently.

Send Short Messages

Recruiters are busy and will not have time to go over long messages. They will put this kind of message into a folder that they may not look at or remember, so make sure your initial contact is short and engaging.

Follow Up and Don’t Get Discouraged

Find reasons to follow up with your initial contact but do this professionally so that you don’t become a nuisance. Send a brief thank you once they accept your initial connection request and try to open up a conversation from there. Remember that it can take time to spark a true connection, and you may not build a meaningful relationship right away. Don’t be discouraged by this, and keep trying.

Trades Labour Corporation can help you with all of your temporary labour needs. We are one of the best recruitment agencies in the Vancouver, Winnipeg, Alberta, Calgary, Edmonton, Surrey, Toronto, Victoria, Manitoba, Seattle, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan areas and our temp agency specializes in labour jobs, so we will help you fill positions with the right candidates. If you need more information, contact our staffing agency today!