Best ways to find a job

find a job Vancouver, Calgary, Winnipeg

Job hunting usually feels like an uphill battle, but it does not have to be. There are small things you can do with minimal effort to improve your chances of landing your dream job quicker. If you are just starting your job search or have been looking for a while, consider these tips:

Use Your Network

You might have a bigger network of people to turn to than you realize. Telling everyone you know or come across can infinitely increase your chances of landing a job. Even your hairdresser might know someone that is looking for a new hire with your skills and experience. Turn to your connections and see if anyone works at a company you are interested in. Explain why you think you would be a good fit and see if they have any ideas of how you could fit in.

Apply Directly to Companies

Think of companies you would want to work at and apply directly to them either by email or through their careers page. Do this for companies even if they do not appear to be hiring. Your odds of hearing from a company that is not currently hiring are lower but, if they do happen to show interest in your background, you will have hardly any competition. They could call you if they were planning on hiring soon or are growing quickly and want more talented people in general.

Make sure when you apply that you do your research and mention something you know about the company. You should also highlight in your cover letter what you want to do next in your career and why their company suits that. Each resume and cover letter you submit should be tailored to the job you are applying for. As long as you do your research and do not rush the process, this can be one of the best ways to find a job online.

Quantity Over Quality

A quick way to find jobs online is through LinkedIn. There, you can apply to jobs directly, which eliminates the need to create custom resume cover letters and a login and password for various job portals. Simply build a resume with the same keywords as the job you want and submit it to the job posting. You can send a high volume of applications this way and schedule job interviews quickly. You should not rely on this method alone, but it can help get your resume in front of more hiring managers, which can help you get hired faster.

Which Method?

You should spend your time at first consulting your network but, if your network is on the smaller side, you will likely need to rely on the last two methods. Start by spending half a day with the previous method by applying to about 30 jobs in one day. Then, move on to the second method by targeting specific companies. Splitting your time between method two and three while also checking in on your network will be your best bet to land a job.

Recruiting Agency

If these methods seem like too much of a time commitment for you or they have not been working, contact Trades Labour. We can help match people with jobs that suit them so that they can get back to work quickly.