5 Ways to Improve Retention in 2018

Are you struggling with employee retention? Are you losing top talent to your competitors? Here is a list of 5 things you can do as an employer to improve employee retention in your organization:

1. Flexible scheduling

We all have many demands for our time. However, for some individuals, their time demands may force them to leave their jobs. No organization wants to lose a great employee simply due to the work schedule. If feasible, allowing employees to work part time, casual, or rotational shifts will open up opportunities for those employees to continue with your organization. It also helps boost their company loyalty, as they know their employer is willing to accommodate to their schedule.

2. Regular performance reviews

Performance reviews are an excellent way to ensure you have regular communication with your staff. Performance reviews should be seen as opportunities for creative dialogue and two-way discussion. It may not seem like a big deal to forget a performance review once in a while, but the impacts are larger than you may think. Employees may feel ignored if the review does not happen in a timely manner, and may feel that their employer does not care about their efforts.

3. Creating total rewards packages that employees want

When people think of compensation and total rewards, the immediate thought is dollar amounts. This doesn’t always have to be the case. Many organizations have discovered that viewing compensation from a “total rewards” perspective is actually a way to differentiate their organization from the competitors. To clarify, total rewards means anything an employee may receive from being employed at an organization.
And of course, different demographics will prefer different rewards. Perhaps those organizations with a younger workforce will find that their employees would like discounts on entertainment, free bus passes, and payments in the form of cryptocurrency. Middle-aged demographics may want better benefits and retirement savings options.
The best method is to learn what your employees want, and choose a total rewards package that most suits them.

4. The ability to work from home

Working remotely is becoming more and more dominant in our work force. As technology improves, the opportunities for remote work will become greater and greater. Don’t miss out on these opportunities as many great job seekers may only be available for remote work!

5. Speak to them

This is the most important tip of them all. Simply opening the lines of communication with employees is the best way to find out how they are doing and what their thoughts are. Being open and non-judgemental is one of the best ways to receive honest and real feedback. That feedback can then be used to ensure that employees are satisfied and fulfilled, ensuring that they will want to stay with your organization.
 Trades Labour Corporation can help you find the best qualified staff for your positions so that they can get the job done.